How I Started Writing
In high school, I was elected Editor of the first Afro-American High School News Paper, from Berkeley California. During my Junior and Senior years, I threw myself into writing interviews covering Current Events, Performing Arts, and Music Reporting. Sharing stories about the high school arts started me off in writing.
As a younger man, I fathered a daughter. Her mother's family created great conflicts between my daughter and me. We became distant from each other.
During my tour of duty in the Army, I developed many injuries to my feet. When I came back to the World, I began undergoing multiple surgeries in an attempt to correct my service-connected disabilities - all have been unsuccessful.
Despite the brainwashing that had been done to my daughter, she needed me, and I needed her. My heart had to connect with her. So, I began writing a series of letters to her.
These letters went on to share all about my life, as best I could recall. By now, my baby had become a teenager. And my writings were no longer letters but three complete novels that I titled, "HOPE: Letters to Aisha".
The Storyteller in me was alive and hungry. So, I kept writing.
My first attempt at writing a real fiction novel was created "EVOLVE: An Anthology of Horra/Thrilla Novellas".
The Storyteller Had Awaken!
LāErtes LEE Muldrow (My first name means, a Father, a Son, a Brother, a King!)